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Huangshan Weather

55F ~ 70F
Cloudy To Light Rain
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    Tangmo Village was constructed originally in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) according to the architectural styles of that time. It reached its height of prosperity in both the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. Upon your arrival there, you will be captivated by the quiet rural life style of this particular culture, and the natural beauty that is incorporated within this famous historic and cultural village.

    One valuable point to be emphasized is that this ancient village has maintained its simple and harmonious existence with nature through many dynasties, without being influenced or affected by any commercial intrusion and sophistication. Residents here are enormously hospitable and polite, and they will extend a smile and offer help to each other, and that applies even to a stranger. It certainly appears therefore, that all the local people here seem to be living in both a peaceful and idyllic environment that also includes some of the best scenic landscapes around.