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Huangshan Weather

57F ~ 64F
Overcast To Light Rain
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    The Emerald Pool is situated at the foot of the Lotus Peak. It is surrounded by rocks and is fed by a small stream that flows through the Pine Valley Scenic Area. The ripples and reflections of the mountains and trees create a fanciful world in the water. Many visitors itching for a swim are recommended not to enter the 10-meter deep pool because the water is far too cold even in the summer. Beside the Pool, a large rock with a Chinese character "Fo" (means Buddha) can be found. There are many stone inscriptions found o­n the cliffs around the area.


    Huangshan is beautiful all year round. In spring (March to May), all flowers blossom, pines turn green and the birds sing beautifully. Summer (June-August) is the best time to appreciate the pines and prevent sunstroke. In autumn (September to November), tourists can see the pines, rocks, maples and chrysanthemum. In winter tourists could admire the snow and the rimed trees. When the weather is fine, you could view the grotesque rocks, when it is cloudy, you can appreciate the changing clouds, when it rains, you could see the springs and waterfalls, when it snows, you could see the crystal tree and Rimed tree, when it is windy, you could listen to the sound made by the swinging pines. You could be satisfied in any kind of weather.