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Liu Bocheng was a Chinese Communist military commander and Marshal of the People's Liberation Army.

Liu is known as one of the "Three and A Half" Strategists of China in modern history. (The other two are Lin Biao, commander of the CPC, and Kuomintang commander Bai Chongxi, and the half refers to CPC commander Su Yu.) Officially, Liu was recognised as a revolutionary, military strategist and theoretician, and one of the founders of the People's Liberation Army. Liu's nicknames, Chinese Mars and The One-eyed Dragon, also reflect his character and military achievement.

The former residence of Liu Bocheng, one of the 10 field marshals of the People's Liberation Army, has had no better luck. To commemorate Liu's organizing of a Chongqing military committee for armed uprisings, authorities turned the compound where the committee was established into a cultural heritage site for protection and conservation. Like others before it, the site is now a "skeletal structure" surrounded by litter.