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Beihong(1895-1953)was an outstanding modern Chinese painter and art teacher.The memorial hall was originally located in his residence.but was moved to its present location when the house was demolished as part of Beijing's subway construction.His studio has been reconstructed just as it was when he worked in it.
Xu was particulary renowned for the way he could capture images of horses.As well as displays of his workesthe new hall contains a pictorial summary of Xu's life and career.There are photographs of his visits to many countries,and his correspondence with schoolchildren,as well as telegrams of condolence upon his death from Chinese leaders.
Name: Xu Beihong Memorial Hall
Admission: 10 RMB (Adult), 5 RMB (Students)
Address: South Beizhai Village, Qiaozi Town, Huairou District, Beijing
Open: All Day
1. Take bus 916 from Dongzhimen to Huairou International Conference Center, then take mini bus to Xu Beihong Memorial Hall.
2. Take regular bus at Goose and Duck Ranch Bar(reservation needed).