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Summer Palace is located in the west of Beijing, is the first classical Chinese garden, with a total area of about 290 hectares, the Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake. The whole garden divided into 3 regions: the Ren Shoudian as the center of political activities; to Yu Lan Tang, Le Shoutang Empress as the main living area; to Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake in the scenic tourist area. West Mountain peaks of the Park to the background, combined with complex integration with the park Lake situation, the scenery constantly changing. December 2, 1998 "World Heritage List."
Longevity Hill buildings before the whole parkThe essence of the place, Yamashita Kunming Lake, a length of 728 meters of the promenade, will be diligent and living areas, even as one resort. Promenade known for its fine paintings, there are 546 scenic spots of West Lake and 8000 pieces of the story characters, landscapes flowers and birds. Summer 1992 gallery to "the world';s longest corridor" Guinness Book of World Records.
Concentration of the Summer Palace, the essence of classical Chinese architecture, landscape areas to accommodate different style, called landscape architecture museum. Summer Palace Tour Map

Roaming Summer Palace
East Palace Gate- Summer Palace main entrance, the door to Sanming two dark hipped building, main entrance for the middle of Dili, after the access, known as the "Royal Road", both sides of the openings for the kings and ministers out of the eunuch, pawns on both sides of the wicket and out of the north from the south gate . Plaque, "Summer Palace" in the words for the title Emperor Yu.
Ren Shoudian- one of the main building the palace area, formerly known as Qinzheng, Guangxu changed its name, meaning Shiren Zheng long.It is the Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor testimony of the hall, is political reform movement in modern Chinese history and one of the planning.
Tak and Park- the park has the largest remaining ancient Chinese Theater, it is 21 meters high, at the upper middle and lower layers. The lower and upper ceiling center courtyard collusion stage, middle stage has a winch, by a happy coincidence set moveable scenery, and heaven into the earth, endless variations.
Le Shoutang- Northeast face of Kunming Lake at the Summer Palace,Empress is the land of summer fun. Magnolia Court in the plant, Begonia, Peony and other rare flowers.
Promenade- on the invitation of the east gate, the West only stone Zhangting length of 728 meters, a total of 273 galleries, Gallery is the largest building, the longest and most famous promenade.
Pai Yundian- Empress birthday party held in celebration of worship when He accepted the place, front of the hall row of Cloud Gate, the second palace, both sides of the breakdown of Zixiao, Yu-Hua, Fang Hui, Yun Jin four side hall, is the Summer PalaceThe most spectacular buildings.
Buddhist House- built in the steep slope of Longevity Hill before the 21 meters high rock on the platform. It is south of Kunming Lake, Buddha wisdom of the sea back to it as the center of the buildings thorough and symmetrical wings to start, echoing each other, a magnificent view.
Marble Boat- The Summer Palace Wanshou Shanxi Lu shore, is the famous water garden construction. Thirty-six m hull length, with a huge pile of stone from thorough, two-compartment wooden floor system,But all the oil into a marble decorative patterns, the top decorated with brick carvings, delicate gorgeous, fun summer viewing for the Empress of Kunming Lake at rest.
South Lake Island- southeast of Kunming Lake, Longevity Hill should be relatively remote and the island has a Dragon King Temple, Kam-Yuan Tang, month wave House, Han virtual church on the rockery, as the island';s main building, three looking canopies Court , is to watch the military exercises in the areas of Kunming Lake.
Seventeen Arch Bridge- the largest stone bridge park, 150 meters long, Flying between the islands at the Tung Chung and the South Lake, lying like a rainbow wave. Its shape both Beijing Marco Polo Bridge, Suzhou Bao with the characteristics of the bridge, the bridge has an air of different stone lions, the size of a total of 544.
Bronze Bull- Tung Lake in Kunming, lying in the carved stone seat volts to an air of vivid, true shape of cattle known. Flooding is reported for the suppression of the sky. Eighty bovine cast backs Zhuanti words, inscriptions "Taurus Ming."
Kunming Lake Sai- embankmentBounded on the lake bridge, sheltered bridge, Jade Belt Bridge, mirror bridge, bridge training, Liu bridge, collectively known as Sai Tai six bridges, including the Jade Belt Bridge the most famous.
Garden of Harmonious Interests- the eastern foot of Longevity Hill in the Summer Palace is the famous "garden of the garden." Fishing for the Empress of the concept of charge. Park Central is the lotus pond, ring pool with Han Yuan Tang, visions of new buildings, Zhichun Hall, Cheng Shuang fast and so thirteen towers Church pavilion, and twists and turns with one hundred veranda phase communication. Outdoor Gallery side flowers and trees, the bamboo varies, spring swift, full of interesting southern gardens.
or = # 1111ee> Suzhou Street - Suzhou Street, also known as "trading Street", the lake at the Summer Palace in central Taiwan near the water out after Stanford. Jiangnan during the Qing Emperor Qianlong built imitation, Empress often boating excursion, Dianhuo are eunuchs act. Summer Palace has become a good place for shopping and entertainment.

From the Summer Palace park the optimal time-Mun Area Garden Route
First, the Orient House gate admission:
1, Orient House Gate - Ren Shoudian - Tak and Park - WenchangHome - Yu Lan Tang, Yi Yun House - Le Shoutang - Promenade - Pai Yundian - Buddhist Incense - Marble Boat - Farming and Weaving Scenic Area - Ideal Door (3 hours);
2, Orient House Gate - Ren Shoudian - Tak and Park - Wenchang Hospitals - Yu Lan Tang, Yi Yun House - Le Shoutang - Promenade - Pai Yundian - Buddhist Incense - stone boat - by boat to South Lake Island - The seventh hole Bridge - Copper cattle - new palace (2.5 hours);
3, East Palace Gate - Ren Shoudian - Tak and Park - Wenchang Hospitals - Yu Lan Tang, Yi Yun House - Le Shoutang - Promenade - Pai Yundian - Buddhist Incense - Suzhou Street - North palace (2 hours);
4, the Eastern Palace Gate - Ren Shoudian - GermanyAnd Park - Wenchang Hospitals - Yu Lan Tang, Yi Yun House - Le Shoutang - Promenade - Pai Yundian - Buddhist Incense - Suzhou Street - Dan Ning Church - Garden of Harmonious Interests - East Palace Gate (2.5 hours).

Second, the North palace admission:

1, North Palace Gate - Suzhou - Four Big Island - Tower of Buddhist Incense - Pai Yundian - gallery - stone boat - by boat to South Lake Island - Seventeen Arch Bridge - bull - Kunming Lake Tung - Wenchang Hospital - Jade Lan Tang, Yi Yun House - Le Shoutang - Tak and Park - Ren Shoudian - Orient House Door (3 hours);
2, North palace- Suzhou Street - Dan Ning Church - Garden of Harmonious Interests - Ren Shoudian - Tak and Park - Yu Lan Tang, Yi Yun House - Wen School - Le Shoutang - Promenade - Pai Yundian - Buddhist Incense - Marble Boat - Farming and Weaving Chart area - Ruyi door (2.5 hours);
3, North palace - Suzhou Street - Marble Boat - Promenade - Pai Yundian - Buddhist Incense -