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Bayannur Weather

55F ~ 72F
Showers To Light Rain
SW at 20km/h To
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Ganqimaodao flag of the port in the Ukraine and Mongolia border Section 703 (formerly 288) at the border pillar, flag of Ukraine Hailiutu from the town 132 kilometers, south of the Yellow River after the sets, adjacent to the North in Menggu Guo, a 184 km border line . Here is the state of a type of seasonal land ports, the only year-round in western Inner Mongolia land port customs, the people of China and Mongolia is also an important channel friendly exchanges of goods and trade in the main venues.

Ganqimaodao port has a joint inspection office and the customs control areas, there are shopping malls, hotels and restaurants as one of the mutual trade and service area. More solemn, "People abroad" toweringStand, awe-inspiring. Every switch, to the port for intercity trade and tourism tourists, merchants, people coming and going very lively.

Not far east of the port, there is a plan by the state around the Mongolian wild ass "Wildlife Reserve." To add vitality and energy ports, attracting visitors and a beautiful landscape. Current figure from the town to dry their hair are both ports can visit the vast grassland scenery and experience the pastoral life and the border of the exotic, but also for border trade.