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An abundance of Anyang County in rural West High Point Village South. Gao Ling, Cao Wei Wudi Three mausoleum. Gaoling the specific location, a lot of controversy in history, has always Seventy suspected mass graves, said. December 2009, Henan Province Cultural Relics Bureau announced, Gao Ling in Anyang County, Henan Anfeng rural West Village, High Point, excavations by the Archaeological Institute of Henan Province, confirmed. (Related News)

Plane for the A-shaped high mausoleum, sitting west to east, is a double room with a brick ramp ramps coupons tomb, large-scale, complex structure, the mainFrom the tomb passage, and four side room after room composition. Length of 39.5 m slope ramps, width 9.8 m, maximum depth of about 15 meters Jude Biao; Tomb plane slightly trapezoidal, width 22 meters east, west width of 19.5 meters, 18 meters from east to west; large tomb covers an area of about 740 square meters.

Gaoling findings confirmed the literature on the location of Gao Ling Cao Cao, Cao Cao';s hobby, he advocated Funeral systems and other related records are conclusive and credible. Gao Ling Wei archaeological excavation results set a standard time scale.

  Cao Cao (155-220), the word Meng, nickname A hiding, Geely, Pei Guo Qiao (now Anhui Bozhou) people. Eastern Han Dynasty outstanding statesman, military strategist, writer, poet. Buried after the death of Gao Ling. Wei Wendi Cao Pi became the emperor, was Zhuizun for "Emperor Wu", Temple name "Dynasty", known as Wei Wudi.