Wangfu Holiday Resort

백사 삼 원 이 사 36 호,, Old Town, Lijiang, China.지도에서 보기 >
CNY 228
4.9/5 에 기초 33 리뷰

bao137 said: Quiet and beautiful Baisha, delicious food, domineering palace, beautiful sister Wang! It's definitely worth the trip!

citydiscovery said: The same treatment as home, thank you!??

Leo365 said: The landlady is very noisy. She not only sends us cookies for dinner, but also invites us to have breakfast together ~ breakfast is also from the landlady's hand ~ although the weather is bad, it doesn't affect the mood. As long as you sit quietly in the yard and have a cup of tea, you can enjoy it~

e01636282 said: The room is very large. The boss and his wife are very hospitable. They have temporarily changed their room and other small problems, which are also solved with great patience. Lijiang will definitely stay here again

dclient said: It's very good and clean. The environment is also very good. The boss is very nice

RIMPAC said: Great experience. The yard is big and bright. You can see Yulong Snow Mountain directly on the second floor. The room is spacious and the equipment is in place. Toiletries and bedding are things that can be taken on stage. Well, especially the quilt, which is warm, thick and comfortable. Uncle Liu, the boss, and aunt Wei, the boss's wife, are super nice, warm and considerate. They treat their guests as well as their family. I go out to take photos every morning and evening. I drink tea and chat with them at noon and evening. I almost didn't recognize a godfather and godmother. Ha ha ha. These are the two most comfortable days for me to stay after so many years of traveling everywhere. I almost forgot to say that Aunt Wei has a little teddy, which is definitely cute and bloody on your face.

e03209907 said: To Lijiang, I think I'd better live in Baisha. Baisha ancient town is very delicious. Baisha's palace is well located. There is a large terrace. You can directly see Yulong Snow Mountain in good weather. What else do you say? Feel at home. The hostess of the inn is really nice. She has added wechat. I'll give you advice wherever you go. It's an inn that fits us very well. recommend!

Eg. Ye said: It's a nice Inn with new facilities. The boss is very friendly. It's in Baisha Town on the edge of Lijiang City. It's only a 10 minute drive from Yulong Snow Mountain. It's suggested that friends who plan to visit the snow mountain the next day can choose to stay here.

fanfan801010 said: At first, I saw the comment that the boss picked up the plane for free in the middle of the night. I thought there was a free pick-up and gave it to the boss. At the same time, the boss wanted to pick up several waves of guests. However, I introduced the familiar Shifu to gaokuai passenger station to pick us up to Baisha 50 yuan. Because it was late and taxi refused to go too far, there were no guests back! So those who want to come should come as early as possible, and make an appointment to pick up the plane at the host's house in advance. It seems to be 120. It's free to pick up or send the plane for three days, but think about giving others some gas money! Baisha is also a quiet place, different from the impetuous Dayan ancient city and the declining Shuhe river. It's a great place to see Yulong Snow Mountain! Before, I was a little upset that Muyou came to pick us up for free. After not coming, I decided to give this 5-star! Things are good, settings are good, the boss is also very good and forthright! It turned out that Beijing came here to rent land for 30 years. Since the beginning of 2014, we have designed and built our own house. We still have to see the appearance in person! Look at the snow mountain on the second floor platform! Open in August 2014! In addition to the simple and elegant appearance design, my mother said as soon as she entered the room that it was very high-grade. The wooden beams exposed on the top of the room were very special! And I pay attention to details. The interior and exterior of the House reflect the taste of the owner, because it is a newly built wooden structure room with wood flavor and 2 barrels of activated carbon in the corner! Cold is not afraid of electric blankets, but the boss takes care that you must turn it off when you sleep. Wood fire prevention here! There are also air conditioners. I live in the double corridor Shangri La of Dayan ancient city. I haven't seen any air conditioners installed. If there should be any! The bathroom is also very attentive. The bathroom is very large. The wooden door is a Japanese door curtain. The washing table is special. The key is that the washing cup and hand sanitizer tank are also a set. The hand sanitizer is dripping. I smell it! The toothbrush is the kind we usually buy for our own use in the supermarket, not one-off. The boss really paid for it. I've really only seen the toothpaste in Ningbo Park Hyatt Hotel. It's Colgate's, and so is here! Shower gel shampoo is Lux's, again is the same as home! The bath water is really big and hot. This time, Yunnan is either too hot or the water is too small. The water is big but not hot. It is also more than 130 Inns! Only here is perfect! Finally took a comfortable bath! After dinner, I had tea with my boss and said that if I sent us to Lashihai tomorrow afternoon, I would charge 50 for oil. It's really excellent! Absolutely recommended. If you have the opportunity to stay for a week, they also have people from Beijing who don't want to leave after staying in the inn for more than a week!

dgpower said: Located in the best location of Baisha ancient town, instead of commenting on the comfort of the courtyard of the Inn and the configuration of brand products one by one, it's better to take this to make a brief introduction. The hostess is not for profit. She lives with exquisite, moving face, open-minded mind, broad love, filial piety to her family and love for children in poor mountainous areas. It's not a day, a month or a year, but always on the road and persistence 'Wash away all the lead and return to nature'

ericso said: The environment is clean and tidy, very comfortable and the service is very good. I'll come back next time

memorywu said: I never leave a message to comment, but it's really right to choose to live in the Palace this time! Sleep on the second floor and watch the snow mountain directly. It's quiet! The boss, sister Wei, was warm and didn't say anything. The breakfast was so delicious! The place where I live is clean and tidy. The things I use are lux, crest and other branded goods. It's absolutely warm! Come back next time, trust me!

luowaling said: Recommended by the boss, quiet and warm

dog100 said: The hotel is newly decorated and has good taste ~ I have lived in many inns, which makes me feel most comfortable ~ it's worth coming next time ~ friends can come and feel it next time ~ don't regret it! value

breadwinner123 said: Baisha Palace Resort is very worth staying in! First of all, the landlady was very friendly and came to the airport to pick us up. That afternoon, we went to Shuhe. There was no car back to the inn in the evening. She called the landlady and she immediately asked her husband to pick us up. Through the introduction of the landlady, we also participated in the one-day tour of Yulong Snow Mountain. Although I had altitude sickness, I still had a very happy day. The one-day tour driver introduced by the landlady is a local who lives in the snow mountain, so we are familiar with the way. We were on the snow on the second day of the new year, and the cableway only lined up for half an hour. On the third day, he enthusiastically sent us to Dayan ancient town. If I hadn't booked Dayan's room in advance, I really want to stay in the palace for a few more days. The room is also very clean and tidy, very warm, and worth staying!

joyce52 said: I love this hotel! Big balcony, comfortable tatami, and the price is also very favorable. Oh, you must choose here next time. The landlady is also very human. Oh, you can go to see the super amazing place!

jimliu55215 said: The environment here is very good, the service is warm and considerate, it seems to be at home, and the price is cheap. The main reason is that the residence is clean and tidy. I like it here next time

Ariel Fan said: Elegant environment, can forget all troubles, is a good place to purify the soul.

daijinfei said: The hotel is well equipped and suitable for different people. The price is worth it. It is recommended to friends who will come to Lijiang.

liner020907 said: Very good store, very good boss. The room is high-grade and the indoor supplies are high-grade. It's the best hotel I've stayed in in Lijiang four times. The boss's family are very enthusiastic and wrapped zongzi for me to eat. It's so moving. Highly recommended

지도에서 보기

날짜를 먼저 설정하십시오.
Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate


  • 30 sqm
  • 트윈
  • 1 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m


  • 35 sqm
  • 침대
  • 1 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


  • 40 sqm
  • 침대
  • 2 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


  • 30 sqm
  • 침대
  • 2 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY100/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m


  • 30 sqm
  • 침대
  • 2 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


  • 30 sqm
  • --
  • 1 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 tatami


  • 35 sqm
  • --
  • 1 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY100/night
  2. 2 tatami


  • 45 sqm
  • 침대
  • 2 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

호텔 소개

우편 번호:674100   호텔 설립연도:2014   총 객실 수:700   상업지역:Baisha Old Town
Wangfu Holiday Resort, 이 객 잔 은 환경 이 아름 다 워 서 외출 할 때 가장 좋 은 선택 입 니 다. 3 일 을 머 무 르 면 받 을 수 있 거나 5 일 을 채 워 서 보 낼 수 있 습 니 다.

시설 & 서비스

조식 가격: 자세한 내용은 프론트 데스크에 문의하십시오.
체크인: 14:00부터      체크아웃: 12:00까지
호텔 시설
무료 주차장 프런트 데스크 귀중품 금고 무료 관광 교통지도 카페 중국 식당 서양식 레스토랑 로비 일반 분할 에어컨 엘리베이터 없음 난방 로비에서 무료 신문 레스토랑 공기 조절 연회장 공공 장소 CCTV 감시 공공 사운드 시스템 멀티미디어 프레젠테이션
카 헤일 링 서비스 회의장 여행 티켓 서비스 세탁 서비스 비즈니스 센터 우편 서비스 풀 타임 벨보이 수하물 보관소 모닝콜 픽업 서비스 플로리스트 배달 서비스 24 시간 프런트 데스크 빠른 체크인 / 체크 아웃 렌터카 서비스 드라이 클리닝 프라이빗 체크인 / 체크 아웃 구두닦이 서비스 비서 서비스 컨시어지 서비스 팩스 / 복사 집사 서비스 무료 애완 동물 허용 24 시간 로비 매니저 회사 서비스 신용 카드 결제 서비스 배달 세탁 서비스 일회성 청구서 정산 서비스 발렛 주차 픽업 서비스
객실 편의시설
국내 장거리 전화 욕실 메이크업 돋보기 24 시간 온수 무료 세면 도구 (6 개 이상) 목욕 가운 헤어 드라이어 플립 플롭 책상 110V 전압 소켓 전기 주전자 커피 메이커 / 티 메이커 무료 생수 미니 바 미니 냉장고 샤워를하다 다림질 장비 우산 목욕통 별도의 샤워 온수기 중앙 에어컨 일반 분할 에어컨 무료 세면 도구 없음 무료 신문 소리 모닝콜 서비스 시티 뷰 정원 전망 전망을 즐기십시오 마운틴 뷰 발코니 자쿠지 화장실 세탁기 LCD TV 3D TV 유료 TV 식사 공간 선풍기 공용 헤어 드라이어 옷장 / 옷장 난방 토스터에 재봉 키트 암막 커튼 팩스 전자 저울 위성 채널 TV 세트 알람 시계 소파 겸용 소파 매우 긴 침대 (2m 이상) 침대 : Eiderdown 침구 : 담요 또는 이불 랜드 마크보기 소파 거절 컴퓨터 예비 침대 공용 화장실 220V 전압 소켓 테라스 케이블 채널 아이 패드 커피 머신 유료 영화 라커룸 DVD 플레이어 오븐 부엌 주방 용품 전자 레인지 난로 전기 담요 식기 세척기 라디오 VCR CD 플레이어 모기장 객실 내 초고속 인터넷 전화 객실 WIFI 범위 객실 WIFI 범위는 무료입니다 무료 국내 장거리 전화
다실 야외 파티 스누커 룸 도서관 도보 여행
  • 현금

자주 묻는 질문: Wangfu Holiday Resort

점수:4.9/ 5.0
Quiet and beautiful Baisha, delicious food, domineering palace, beautiful sister Wang! It's definitely worth the trip!
[Stay in Amidst the classic standard room]
The same treatment as home, thank you!??
[Stay in Star rain Deluxe sightseeing room]
The landlady is very noisy. She not only sends us cookies for dinner, but also invites us to have breakfast together ~ breakfast is also from the landlady's hand ~ although the weather is bad, it doesn't affect the mood. As long as you sit quietly in the yard and have a cup of tea, you can enjoy it~
[Stay in Fragrant tatami room]
The room is very large. The boss and his wife are very hospitable. They have temporarily changed their room and other small problems, which are also solved with great patience. Lijiang will definitely stay here again
[Stay in Amidst the classic standard room]
It's very good and clean. The environment is also very good. The boss is very nice
[Stay in Star rain Deluxe sightseeing room]
ai wun
The landlady is very nice and warm We roasted suckling pig on the first night, and it was super good. The hotel is beautiful, fully equipped and super comfortable The yard is very big. You can see snow mountains on the second floor platform. You can see the stars at night. It just makes us meet the Big Dipper. It's amazing
[Stay in Amidst the classic standard room]
Great experience. The yard is big and bright. You can see Yulong Snow Mountain directly on the second floor. The room is spacious and the equipment is in place. Toiletries and bedding are things that can be taken on stage. Well, especially the quilt, which is warm, thick and comfortable. Uncle Liu, the boss, and aunt Wei, the boss's wife, are super nice, warm and considerate. They treat their guests as well as their family. I go out to take photos every morning and evening. I drink tea and chat with them at noon and evening. I almost didn't recognize a godfather and godmother. Ha ha ha. These are the two most comfortable days for me to stay after so many years of traveling everywhere. I almost forgot to say that Aunt Wei has a little teddy, which is definitely cute and bloody on your face.
[Stay in Amidst the classic standard room]
To Lijiang, I think I'd better live in Baisha. Baisha ancient town is very delicious. Baisha's palace is well located. There is a large terrace. You can directly see Yulong Snow Mountain in good weather. What else do you say? Feel at home. The hostess of the inn is really nice. She has added wechat. I'll give you advice wherever you go. It's an inn that fits us very well. recommend!
[Stay in Shanghai Pavilion boutique Queen room]
Eg. Ye
It's a nice Inn with new facilities. The boss is very friendly. It's in Baisha Town on the edge of Lijiang City. It's only a 10 minute drive from Yulong Snow Mountain. It's suggested that friends who plan to visit the snow mountain the next day can choose to stay here.
[Stay in Listening to the wind Deluxe big bed room]
At first, I saw the comment that the boss picked up the plane for free in the middle of the night. I thought there was a free pick-up and gave it to the boss. At the same time, the boss wanted to pick up several waves of guests. However, I introduced the familiar Shifu to gaokuai passenger station to pick us up to Baisha 50 yuan. Because it was late and taxi refused to go too far, there were no guests back! So those who want to come should come as early as possible, and make an appointment to pick up the plane at the host's house in advance. It seems to be 120. It's free to pick up or send the plane for three days, but think about giving others some gas money! Baisha is also a quiet place, different from the impetuous Dayan ancient city and the declining Shuhe river. It's a great place to see Yulong Snow Mountain! Before, I was a little upset that Muyou came to pick us up for free. After not coming, I decided to give this 5-star! Things are good, settings are good, the boss is also very good and forthright! It turned out that Beijing came here to rent land for 30 years. Since the beginning of 2014, we have designed and built our own house. We still have to see the appearance in person! Look at the snow mountain on the second floor platform! Open in August 2014! In addition to the simple and elegant appearance design, my mother said as soon as she entered the room that it was very high-grade. The wooden beams exposed on the top of the room were very special! And I pay attention to details. The interior and exterior of the House reflect the taste of the owner, because it is a newly built wooden structure room with wood flavor and 2 barrels of activated carbon in the corner! Cold is not afraid of electric blankets, but the boss takes care that you must turn it off when you sleep. Wood fire prevention here! There are also air conditioners. I live in the double corridor Shangri La of Dayan ancient city. I haven't seen any air conditioners installed. If there should be any! The bathroom is also very attentive. The bathroom is very large. The wooden door is a Japanese door curtain. The washing table is special. The key is that the washing cup and hand sanitizer tank are also a set. The hand sanitizer is dripping. I smell it! The toothbrush is the kind we usually buy for our own use in the supermarket, not one-off. The boss really paid for it. I've really only seen the toothpaste in Ningbo Park Hyatt Hotel. It's Colgate's, and so is here! Shower gel shampoo is Lux's, again is the same as home! The bath water is really big and hot. This time, Yunnan is either too hot or the water is too small. The water is big but not hot. It is also more than 130 Inns! Only here is perfect! Finally took a comfortable bath! After dinner, I had tea with my boss and said that if I sent us to Lashihai tomorrow afternoon, I would charge 50 for oil. It's really excellent! Absolutely recommended. If you have the opportunity to stay for a week, they also have people from Beijing who don't want to leave after staying in the inn for more than a week!
[Stay in Amidst the classic standard room]
1 2 3 4


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