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Que surnamed Qin, who were the more this Renqiu, a Warring States Period of doctors. He pioneered the "look, smell, and asked, cut," TCM diagnostic methods, with a "hard by" 18. Because of medical skill, people to the legendary Yellow Emperor medical officer, "Que," to call him. Sima Qian in "Historical Records" written by Dr. Jin Bian Zhao Jianzi be ill cured, put the fields in the vicinity of 4 million mu of hill Pengshan given Bian Que';s story. Since then, the hill has become a second home Que. Bian Que was practicing medicine to the state of Qin, Qin Cao Li mince so jealous of the imperial doctor was killed. Bian Que was practicing Guo follow tooSon to steal his head back from the state of Qin was buried in Pengshan. This village was renamed the Village of God.

According to legend, Prince Guo suffering from a twisted intestine fever, Bian Que in Pengshan of a large stone for the Prince to do abdominal surgery, the Prince of the intestines in the trench wash, followed by Prince Edward recovered. So far, colon hydrotherapy ditch ditch name, operation of the Department of stone kang.