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Longmu, who was a female leader of South China during the Warring States, was respected by people. Wuzhou City is the hometown of Longmu and people built Longmu Temple by Guijiang River in the Northern Song Dynasty in memorial of her. Longmu Temple is now a historical relic as well as the tourist site in southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Longmu Temple was first constructed during the early Northern Song Dynasty, and rebuilt in Ming and Qing dynasties. It was made up of the gate, front hall, rear hall, the corridor rooms and pavilions. The front gate was gallant while the rear hall was decorated with various paintings and carvings. After the rebuilt in 1960s, the temple covers an area of about 5000 square meters. The main architectures are the Memorial Archway, the Main Hall, the Rear Hall, the Imperial Palace, and Tortoise Pool.

The Main Hall is majestic. The room in the middle is the Longmu Hall, sacrificed with the statue of Longmu. The room on the right is the Taizi Hall and the left room is the Hall of General Fu. On the ridge of the hall, there decorated with the two dragons playing the bead, which is shinning under the sun. The Immperial Palace is on the left side of the Main Hall, which is wide and bright.

The Rear Hall is erect high. On the center of the first floor, there is a huge sculpture of Longmu, which is vividly show the scene of Emperor Qinshihuang welcomed Longmu. In front of the sculpture, there is also a statue of Longmu. On the wall of the both sides, there is the picture of the dragon in different dynasties. On the second floor of the hall, there exhibit the bed of Longmu, mirror and curtain.

Tortoise Pool is on the right side of the Main Hall. In the pool there is a tortoise with hundreds of years old. On the center of the pool there is a huge stone tortoise which was discovered in the Ming Dynasty. The stone tortoise is raising its head and staring. Tourists always throw the coin on the stone tortoise. It is said that if you throw the coin at the head of the stone tortoise, you will get happiness. If you throw the coin at the back of it, you will get longevity. If you throw the coin at the tail of it, you will get good luck. While if you throw the coin at the body of the stone tortoise, you will get youth.

The Memorial Archway is facing the Guijiang River, which is great and magnificent. On the center of the archway, there are four Chinese characters "long mu tai miao". On the upper right side of the archway, there is a Guanyin Hall. You can have a bird's view of Wuzhou City.

Longmu, as an immortal, is as famous as the Goddess of Sea----Mazu and take a profound influence in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou provinces. Therefore, there are large quantities of tourists come here and pray for happiness, safety and good fortune.