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Shaoxing Weather

64F ~ 72F
E at 30km/h To 20km/h
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Remember written by Lu Xun';s "social drama", get a large audience in the urchin shuttle lively scene, and the trail of ancient fiber Wu Pengchuan full stop, sitting on the bow watching the boatmen fishing village style social drama.

If you catch the clever, in the vicinity of the ancient fiber Keqiao trail, you can still see the wonderful community theater performances, see the fiber channel-stop full Wupeng Chuan.

Even if society did not catch the show, hired a Wupeng Chuan, the shuttle in the narrow fiber channel among the taste of this cultural city of Shaoxing unique flavor, also do not have some fun.

To facilitate the boats sailing and the building, also known as fiber-Tong, in ZhejiangEast Canal Xiaoshan, Shaoxing, Shangyu between the river bank. Observation of the Tang Dynasty to Bangladesh Jane eastern Zhejiang built on the river bank a dirt Ditang, the early Ming Liang-Sanin magistrate instead of stone built pond in an attempt to existence.

GuXian Road Centre in Shaoxing area, there are waterfront shore and broken water by building the two, with strong local characteristics.


Shaoxing City can take the 308 to