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Nanxi college located in the South of the city of the foot of the mountain in Youxi County, originally for the people of Yap Zheng Yizhai premises. Vision and five years of North Song dynasty (1123), father of Zhu Xi either in Youxi County Wei Zhu Songhua, go to the official Yu after residing there. The Southern Song dynasty built inflammation four years (1130), Zhu Xi was born here. Zhu Xi's after his death, first year of County magistrate Li Xiu Yu Jiaxi (1237) donated this construction of Duke Wen Temple, Temple, half acre pond and revered daotang Wei Zhai and other buildings, worship the Ju family father and son. Baoyuannian (1253), Emperor Lizong of Song given amount "nanxi College". From $ the first year (1341), built the second temple, despite repeated repairs and expansion after the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Academies of ancient solemn, is now an area of 1000 square meters, Wei Zhai Temple, view books, yuk, Yuk Sau Sau square Pavilion and other buildings. Zhu Xi's main court when neutrality gypsum statue, was Zhu Xi a handwritten plate four sites on each side: "started reading of heshun thrifty managing families through the family of libao". Wall hangs portraits of its back eight generations all the ancestors.

College within the Tong, as Zhu Xi's early childhood reading. The view book poems of Zhu Xi said: "half-acre pond, and sky clouds were hovering; ask Canal that clearly such, as a source for". One of the "half-acre pond" means here. Ming Hongzhi 11 years (1498), the county magistrate Fang Pu auspices, expanded the half-acre pond dredging and built pavilions on the pond, passes to the stone bridge, named "streams of booth", this is fixed.

Ancient Zhang-2 strain to the left of the College, branches with tall, over more than 30 meters high, surrounding the tree was 10.8 m and 7.8 m, according to Zhu Xi's young Jesu planting, it is called "Shen Lang Zhang" (Shen Lang for PetName of Zhu Xi). In 1987, the local government as a park, an area of more than 1600 square meters.

Zhu Xi's on Song Qian road near seven years (1171), handwritten, in early Republic of China when rechisel in Youxi County, "Wei Zhai old cure" tablet, Tablet is about 2 m long, wide and 0.7 m, t of strong, gesture runaway.

Nanxi in Youxi County, Fujian province, the seat of the Academy, as a historical building, the specific address is located in Chengguan town water in Youxi County Road.

Nanxi college located in Youxi County South City. Formerly nanxi Museum, birthplace of master Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucianism in the Song dynasty. Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty, Republic of repair, the scale gradually expanded. Extant building include mountain Academy, half acre pond, the source of living water Pavilion, service, concept, and so on. Mountain College, 29 years of Qianlong of the Qing dynasty (1764), County magistrate Cai Shumo site converted into. Daoguang reign of three years (1823) restored. Binary wood building, covers an area of 1000 square meters. For the main hall, Lecture Hall next the chudo, is about what the Office and the living room; room as a place for students to go over one's lessons on both sides. The surviving "Mountain Academy statute in detail Tablet sequence" inscriptions 1. 17 (1928), herbs at jiufushan, Youxi public normal school was founded in this. During the war, had moved to Mawei attendance school running here. In 1985 as a Museum in Youxi County. In 1996, the Fujian Provincial people's Government announced the fourth provincial cultural relic protection units.