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Qingyuan, Guangdong Weather

75F ~ 86F
Moderate Rain To Showers
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Taihe Ancient Cave Scenic Area is located in Huajian Mountain which is in the northern suburbs of Qingxin County. Taihe Ancient Cave is in No.107 Old National Road, is only 2 km away from the county, about 5 km from the city and 70 km from northern of Guangzhou City. It is a main scenic spot of Qingxin Natural Zoology Tourist Hotline. The Taihe Ancient Cave was built in the Qing Dynasty the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), dating back over 150 years of history, was the Taoist shrines. In the scenic are, it is perilous peak, deep and serene forest, plunging waterfalls and so on. "Tai He Gu Dong" four typewriting whici were nested in the gate of the mountain were written by Zhen Ruzhen who was the last second prize in Qing Dynasty.