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48F ~ 55F
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Pool is Feiquan 3 km from the Rainbow Sea, 3500 meters above sea level. Here there are only 20 eyes of many high-temperature fountain, the maximum temperature of up to 90 , the heat from the hot crust and deep storage area 200 , water contains many trace elements beneficial to humans, is a lithium, strontium, silicic acid carbonate concentration of quality natural mineral springs. Different springs were on the treatment of eye diseases, stomach problems, rheumatism, and each with a unique effect.

Four absolutely hot Stomach spring: a spring water pool is a rock among the Tang Chu, the water temperature as high as 90 , transparent and odorless, you can take to make tea, the locals call "stomach spring." That the stomach is to drink this water to keep fit, This is a must.
Spa curd egg: boiled egg with the stomach is the hot spring of the second break. The eggs into the stomach and springs in the pond, about tenMinutes later, picked up the eggs, gently break a small hole, you can see the yolk is cooked, the egg white Although the transparent white, but have not yet solidified, into a curd-like, this is the famous hot springs tofu eggs. When eggs, egg white mouth to drink, eat and then remove the egg yolk.
Eyesight spring: spring next to the stomach "eyesight Spring", the water temperature is high, large springs in the spring in a fist, not an overflow spring, nor the end consumer in the spring, always in a fixed position. This is the third break. IfScoop it with a vessel of water, scoop it up much how much the great inexhaustible feeling. Even more peculiar is that this spring is said to cure eye diseases, such as Yingfengliulei, red-eye, trachoma, etc., repeatedly wash can be cured by this spring.
Hot feet: The fourth must be the eyes and the fountain flowing from beneath a pool of hot spring, water temperature 50 . It is said that their feet with this water, can cure athlete';s foot, foot odor embolism. Tourists come here to be the foot bath in this pool. Even if the fall in the snow hills turn, can bubble out of a Rehan, is very satisfiedMeaning.