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Martensite from the Eighth Route Army headquarters Zuoquan County Museum is located in the martensite town 45 kilometers south southwest of Ma Tin Tsuen. Site faces south, into a four-Fit courtyards, brick tile more than 30 rooms (North Building 5.)

Headquarters compound for the then Office (Operations Division), East seven to one, two bedroom, the house is on display at the physical photos into war, the West is on the four chief places do Peng room, indoor places was by Peng stay as is on display, outside the room and then display the life of Peng and the War of ResistancePhotos in kind reflect the commander of the Eighth Route Army Peng and household items. Why South Mountain for a room, office room Teng generation of far places. Another guard room and office accommodation east of the North Building Headquarters, Li Qi confidential secretary to the kiln two places do have room, kitchen door to the east of the headquarters.
Organized layout of the courtyard is reminiscent of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries and the brilliant performance of countless martyrs memorial.

November 7, 1940 to August 15, 1945, Peng rate of the Eighth Route Army CommanderMa Tin Tsuen, stationed on the headquarters of authority, command the whole North China War. Zhu, Zuo Quan, Liu, Deng Xiaoping, Xu Xiangqian, Nie, Yang Shangkun, Luo and other proletarian revolutionaries had long lived, Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi has been in this short stay. Tickets

Eighth Route Army Headquarters, 20 yuan tickets martensite