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Hangzhou Weather

66F ~ 86F
S at 20km/h
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   Hangzhou Zoo stands in the south of West Lake, covering an area of 19.3 hectares. It was removed here in 1957 and got its name-Hangzhou Zoo. More than 170 kinds of animals are kept here among which include the precious spun gold monkeys, giant pandas, lions, tigers and peacocks. In recent yeas, various fruit trees have been planted in the zoo , making it an exquisite zoo full of garden flavor.

   Hangzhou Zoo is a worthy place to visit, with its goldfish aquarium being its claim to fame and an enormously popular attraction. The aquarium displays some of the most unusual and rare goldfish that can be seen in China---Red Bubble, Purple Crown, Silver Lion Head, Black Dragon Eyes. It is recorded that Hangzhou is one of the places where the art of raising goldfish originated.