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Hangzhou Weather

66F ~ 86F
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    Gongzhuiyu(1622 -1685),   Hangzhou people , and the early Qing Dynasty famous bibliophile,  during the education official, he is honest and integrity, by the people loved.

    The tomb is located on the eastern side of the Pagoda of Six Harmonies scenic mountain dock, the greatness of Hangzhou rare save more complete scholar of the Qing Dynasty tombs. The burial ground area of about 960 square meters. The tomb in front of the Chinese table, arch, Beiting, Shiyang, stone horses, tigers, stone Wengzhong preserved. Beiting of two in the fourth on the platform, especially with the artistic value. In August 1997, Gong tomb as a provincial heritage conservation units.


K4, 308, K808, Y5, K280, K504, J5, K514 (interval), J1 to the Pagoda of Six Harmonies station. A path up the hill outside the main entrance of the Pagoda of Six Harmonies scenic.