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The Jade Shroud

The jade shroud, composed of 2291 pieces of jade with silk thread, was specially designed for the king's corpse. It can be divided into six parts: the head, the torso, the arms, the hands, the legs, and the feet.
The custom to dress the dead in jade originated from the belief that jade could keep the corpse from decaying. Of tens of the burial garments discovered in China so far, the one sewn with silk thread from the tomb of the Nanyue king is the earliest one ever made in history.

The Tiger-shaped "Jie"

Length;19CM Width;11.6CM Thickness;1.2CM
"Jie" was used to convey orders and messages for military and diplomatic purposes in the ancient China. The body of a "Jie" was usually made in the shape of a human, a dragon or a tiger.
This bronze "Jie" was molded flat, in the shape of a tiger. The body is embellished with tiger stripes, in the middle of which is an inscription which reads "The King Orders to Muster Troops".

The Silver Box

Height;12.1CM  Belly Diameter;14.8CM  Weight;572.6g
The silver box is in an oval shape. The surface of it is in a crisscross pattern like garlic heads. The design and craftsmanship are distinctive of the ancient Persians. Archeologists believe the silver box was shipped to Guangzhou from abroad. It is a proof that Guangzhou City was the starting port of a trade route over the sea between China and the rest of the world more than two thousand years ago.

"The Vessel of Changle Palace"

Height: 53CM  Belly Diameter:46.5CM
The pottery urn was found in the outer coffin outside of the grave gate. On the surface of the urn is the inscription "The Vessel of Changle Palace".

The Gold bulbs

There was a silk jacket decorated with gold, silver and glass beads covering the king's corpse. To the lower part of the jacket attached three belts that were decorated with gold flower bulbs, silver and glass shells. Under a 20-time magnifier gold thread and gold beads were shown exquisitely welded on the surface of the bulbs. The sophisticated craftsmanship is believed to be c   haracteristic of the ancient Persians. It is one of the material proofs of the prosperous trade between the ancient China and other countries.