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96 years ago, the revolutionary political party of Fuzhou launched recovery campaign in front of Avalikitesvara Hall of Yu Hill. After the campaign, Fuzhou became one of seventeen earliest recovered cities. Now the 1911 Revolution Memorial Museum has move to Avalikitesvara Hall of Yu Hill from Lin Juemin's former residence. It is free for visitors.

In those days, the revolutionary army general command was set in the Avalikitesvara Hall, and Yu Hill was the general offensive position. The exihibition including "Xinhai Revolution Social Background and on the Eve of the Revolution in Fuzhou", "Heroes on Chrysanthemum Hillock", "The Wuchang Uprising and the Restoration of Fuzhou" and "Zhongshan to Ficus, Fujian Light".

And Lin Juemin's former residence is used to be the exihibiton of Lin Juemin and Icecore.
