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61F ~ 79F
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    Dalian Golden Pebble Beach National Geological Museum is situated in the beautiful Golden Pebble Beach Peninsula , the Golden Pebble Beach core scenic area at the entrance, on November 12, 2007 the official opening to customers. Construction area of 1,500 square meters, is divided into eight exhibition halls, a set of geological research, science education, travel and tourism in an integrated places to visit, you understand the best places of the Earth's evolution and geological knowledge of the development process.

    The Golden Pebble Beach Geological Museum, take full advantage of images and text on the geological knowledge from whole to part of a comprehensive introduction to the museum scrolling from the wonders of nature sounds and classical music, you can be comfortable to visit.

The first exhibition: Earth Hall
The second, three exhibition halls: The marine,  coastal hall
The fourth exhibition Marine biological evolution hall
The fiveth exhibition hall: The coastal mineral resources hall
The sixth exhibition hall: Hall of stones
The seventh exhibition hall: Film and television hall
The eighth exhibition hall:  Marine-abrasion topography hall