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Chongqing Huguang Huiguan (Huiguan means assembly hall) is located in Yuzhong District, which was established during Emperor Qianlong's period of Qing Dynasty (1759). It covers a total area of 8,561 square meters. There are four Huiguan altogether in here: Guangdong Huiguan, Jiangnan Huiguan, Lianghu Huiguan and Jiangxi Huiguan.

Architectural value

This ten thousand ancient wood building group followed the architectural style in Hua'nan, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan and Jiangnan area and also blended the traditional building approaches of Sichuan. Built near the mountains of Chongqing, the Huguang Assembly Hall building group is well arranged, reflecting well with the city gate and city wall and becoming a gorgeous painting beside the Yangtze River. The assembly hall is a well-preserved ancient building in Chongqing area.

Art and Culture Value

The Huguang Assembly Hall is the general name of the whole hall building group. With another name "Palace of Yu King", the assembly hall bears the meaning of driving out of the evils by Yu King's power, which is a particular cultural phenomenon in the local area. Besides, the building is also a culture load of several cultures, including Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. There are also many sculptures related to opera in the building, representing the rich folk culture and delicate carving techniques.

Address: No.4 Dongshuimen Main Street Yuzhong Area, Chongqing, China

Open Hours: Daily ( 8:30am - 6:00pm )

Time for Visit: 1.5 hours

Ticket Price: RMB 30/p.p