Yindu Hotel Yiwu

目的王路168号、国際貿易城に近いです。, Yiwu, China.地図で表示 >
CNY 621
4.9/5 に基づく495件の口コミ

guo498018555 said: I think it's good overall!

tigerr said: Yes, thank you

nancy19821116 said: My colleagues are very satisfied with the room booked on behalf of my colleagues!

sports said: The hotel can pick up and drop off planes, and the service is very good

nijiaying said: Breakfast is good and rich in style

leledd123 said: The customer has been staying in this hotel. The environment is good, safe and convenient

isabelmy said: Breakfast was nice and varied. Located in the city center, the transportation is very convenient. There is an underground parking lot, which is also more convenient for parking. The reception staff at the front desk was also very friendly.

civenw said: On a business trip with friends in Yiwu, the room is clean and hygienic, the breakfast is rich and cost-effective, which is worth recommending.

luodelin said: Breakfast is very good and the transportation is convenient

gogogoal said: The location is very good and the service is also great

Lingoes said: The hotel is very good, especially when I change the hotel bed, I sleep comfortably, the front desk is very friendly and friendly, the hotel breakfast is also very rich, not far from the market, and I will come back in the future

jinnes said: Overall, I felt it was pretty good. The front desk service is quite standard and the room layout is quite reasonable. I especially like that it has an underground parking lot; Breakfast is quite rich. There are quite good buffet for lunch and dinner. I will go again in the future.

feiaixuan said: When I went to Yiwu with my friends, I chose this hotel. Because it was good and convenient, I didn't bother to toss around to find other hotels again. In the evening, a group of friends went to the night market, ate supper, drank two cups of wine, and walked back. I didn't worry about what to do when I drank

baldeagle22 said: Breakfast was ok, very satisfied with the hotel service

glenda said: The service attitude of the hotel was very good

fion0108 said: Clean, clean twice a day, and considerate gifts.

lijinglinda said: The hotel is very good and the service is great

fuensan said: The hotel has high cost performance, convenient geographical location, rich breakfast and clean and comfortable rooms, which is worthy of recommendation.

e00945678 said: Hotel with rich breakfast and frequent stay

Po caustic bei said: The hotel was good, the service attitude was also very good, I liked it


Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Special Promotion

  • 28 sqm
  • ベッド/ツイン
  • 6-7 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 queen bed or 2 single beds

Mysterious Preferential

  • 28 sqm
  • ベッド/ツイン
  • 5-11 F
  1. 1 queen bed or 2 single beds

Burning Qihua Twin Room

  • 36 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 5-11 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Burning Qihua Queen Room

  • 32 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 12-17 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Room

  • 42-45 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 17-18 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Baobao Huaizhen Queen Room

  • 48 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 5-17 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Twin-bedroom Family Suite

  • 57 sqm
  • いくつかのベッド
  • 5-7 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 queen bed and 2 single beds

Family 2-bedroom Suite

  • 57 sqm
  • いくつかのベッド
  • 9-11 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 queen bed and 2 single beds

Swallow Mud Beard

  • 56 sqm
  • いくつかのベッド
  • 5-15 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 single bed and 1 queen bed


郵便番号:322000   開業:1998   改築:2016   客室数:217  
Yindu Hotel Yiwu, これは賓王路に位置しています。国際商業貿易城(小商品城)と国際博覧センターに隣接しています。国際商業貿易城、国際博覧センターから8分ぐらい離れています。三挺路夜市、異国風情街から約3分間の距離です。r\nホテルは往復市場バスを備えています。また、宿泊客に無料で水泳とフィットネスを提供しています。

アメニティ & サービス

朝食の値段: CNY68($9.4) / 枚
朝食の種類: ビュッフェ
チェックイン: 12:00から      チェックアウト: 12:00-14:00
モール 理髪・美容センター 無料駐車場 フロントデスクの貴重品は安全 カフェ バー 中華レストラン ウエスタンレストラン ロビー エレベーター 暖房 飲食店 禁煙フロア ファンクションルーム ビジネス以外のお客様のための休憩所 公共エリアの監視システム パブリックサウンドシステム 公共エリアwifi(無料) ロビー新聞 観光交通地図 洗濯室
カーヘイリングサービス 会議場 旅行チケットサービス ランドリーサービス ビジネスセンター 外貨両替サービス 診療所 郵便サービス フルタイムのベルボーイ 荷物預かり モーニングコール ピックアップサービス 配達サービス 子供の遊び場 24時間対応のフロントデスク レンタカーサービス ドライクリーニング アイロンサービス コンシェルジュサービス ウェディングサービス クレジットカード決済サービス フルタイムのドアマン 非常勤ロビーマネージャー ピックアップサービス クイックチェックインとチェックアウト 24時間の中国のサービス 24時間対応のフロントデスク ワンタイムチェックアウト VIPチャンネルチェックイン 空港ピックアップサービス(無料) 空港ドロップオフサービス(無料) 配達サービス
子供のおもちゃ 子供のスリッパ アクセシブルルーム 子供の歯ブラシ 子供用バスローブ
チェスルーム ジム 屋内スイミングプール
  • 現金

質問: Yindu Hotel Yiwu

スコア:4.9/ 5.0
I think it's good overall!
Yes, thank you
The service was very friendly and the location was also very convenient, but the water in the bathroom and bathtub was a little blocked, which was a problem in many hotels. But overall, it's still very good. Cost performance is also very high,
My colleagues are very satisfied with the room booked on behalf of my colleagues!
The hotel can pick up and drop off planes, and the service is very good
Breakfast is good and rich in style
The customer has been staying in this hotel. The environment is good, safe and convenient
After staying for a week, the middle of the front desk asked to change rooms
Breakfast was nice and varied. Located in the city center, the transportation is very convenient. There is an underground parking lot, which is also more convenient for parking. The reception staff at the front desk was also very friendly.
On a business trip with friends in Yiwu, the room is clean and hygienic, the breakfast is rich and cost-effective, which is worth recommending.

