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Hua is the birthplace of Fujian Earth Building, the existing earth building 68, a small number, but it has "the mother of earth buildings", "the king of earth buildings" and the most representative of the earth building, with its distinctive geographical features and special historical value, artistic value and scientific value in the Fujian Earth occupies an irreplaceable position.
Hua Earth Tourism District mainly by the land earth buildings, buildings on a flat earth, the world';s three major scenic spots of bamboo species composition of the source. Earthen dispersed within the county 9Townships. Most built in a small mountain, the mountain, some built on the field, and are monomeric form. Geographically speaking, Hua Earthen showing a trend of second-line, by the elimination of - on the floor - Cotton governance - said the first stone - high security to the West line of Ma Hang; along the creek up river from Jiangbei, Kowloon, Feng-shan - Sand Construction - Xin Wei - Owen to Lake Forest for the midline; xiandu - constitute a massive good village, to the East block. Xiandu Hua';an which the town northeast of the southern town built of sand, the high car in central town, the main focus areas for the new Weizhen.
Other than Fujian Earth BuildingMore, Hua Earthen have the following characteristics:
Construction Chronology clear
Earthen went door, earth buildings can be seen directly on the stone plaque engraved with the building name and construction of age. Eryi Building was built in AD 1740, was completed in November 1770 AD; Nanyang House was built in the year in January 1817, Dongyang House was built in the year in August 1817. The stone in the earth buildings accurately engraved plaque build Annals of Earth BuildingPractice in the Fujian Earth World Cultural Heritage List of all earth building is rare.
Culture rich in content
Second, there should be building now preserved 226 ancient paintings, painting 228, 163 pairs of couplets, the size of wood 349, ceiling and walls affixed on many parts of the United States in 1931, "New York Times" and 1932';s "New York Evening Post" , also draw the door on the balcony of Western women and Western minutesIs both a treasure house of ancient Chinese folk culture and art, but also cultural exchanges between Chinese culture and world historical sites.
Unusual shape in the design
Car is located in the village of high Hua';an Yang Bamboo Path Village';s "Umbrella House" is another Masterpiece Round House, Fujian. It seclusion deep in the mountains, stands on top of a hill. Central House, composed by the two circles: the inner layers, ranging in size from the eighteen independent modules; outer conform to the three down the mountain again and againLayer, cleverly combined with strategically located and difficult terrain. Surrounded by steep mountains, only through the narrow stone steps to board, easily defensible. Earthen ranked Round Mountain, overlooking the black tiles house, was like a distraction umbrella, hence the name. "Umbrella House," a strong local flavor, exotic appearance, has attracted many scholars and tourists competing to find out.
Part of the Taiwanese Earthen
Some of the outside world for ordinary TulouMisunderstandings, usually considered to be the sight of earth building for Hakka Earth Buildings. In fact, half of Fujian, but the Taiwanese Hakka earth buildings are not inhabited. Fujian';s Hakka Earth Building and modular Corridor type Earthen appearance in the same layout but different. Hua';an is a pure Taiwanese people';s counties, Hua Earth Building Hakka Earth Buildings is very different earth building layout is the "native" has an independent system of earth building. In the colorful world of residential buildings, Hua Earthen unique. There is the land of the world cultural heritage buildings of soil, construction of Fujian Earth BuildingThe oldest building built Qi Yun Lou, a building shaped like an umbrella an umbrella, the visible rise on the same floor, bending the new moon and so on. As an outstanding representative of Fujian Earth Building - the second should be building, but also for its long history, design science, large-scale and exquisite murals painted ornate, wood carving stone couplets preserved well, the Health and comfortable and beautiful living environment is known, can be called Wonderful World Architecture , known as "Divine the first floor", "treasure houses", "the king of earth buildings" and reputation. Accommodation
; Because Hua Earth Building Group size is not large, do not have much time to take a stroll, so generally do not stay here, but choose to live in South County or Zhangzhou City. However, the town built hot sand, the price is cheaper, stroll on the flat Earth Building Solutions tired to go to recover from fatigue.
Hua Shan taste, game, Jiang flavor variety, such as green bitter herbs, fern, jadeBamboo shoots, red mushroom series, tribute duck flavor series, River Fish River flavor series. Zhangzhou transport visitors to a first, and then travel to Hua. Zhangzhou car to the bus station every day 06:40-18:30 Hua county, one train every 20-30 minutes, while adding a bus at 20:00, more than 1 hour to the fare 14 yuan.
In additionXiamen Lake Station every day 08:10,11:20, 14:35,17:50 a car directly to the Hua county, on the way about 2.5 hours, the fare 25. Tickets Ticket prices for the land Earth Building Group 90 (the main attractions are: the Second Yee Building, Dongyang Building, Nanyang House, Folk Museum).
On Earthen FloorGroup ticket price is 60 yuan (main attractions are: Qi Yun Lou, Nisshin Building, Shing Ping House).