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Located three kilometers southeast of Xinzhou City, Wood Chi village, or from the Taiyuan Xinzhou way to Yuwang hole. Chi Village, the original rich wood fungus, fungus named the village after village in the acacia trees found by a thousand fungus, then changed his name to Mu Chi material. Rumors of the village as early as three years before the birth Diao ON TOURISM not bloom the village has remained difficult to survive peach apricot is a shame that Diao Chan took the appearance';s sake.
The original village archway across the street, front hall, rear hall, Wang Yun Street, the stage and Diao Chan Diao ChanTomb. Passage of time, these buildings are in ruins, mass graves in the catastrophe, he also razed to the ground. Often the ruins of ancient brick, stone artifacts, coins, ceramics unearthed remnants, are said to have related with Diao Chan.