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Yang Hucheng (26 November 1893 - 6 September 1949) was a Chinese warlord during the Warlord Era of Republican China and Kuomintang general during the Chinese Civil War.

General Yang Hu-cheng Wei Qu cemetery is located in Chang'an Town, according to the back Fengqi of the original, adjacent to the north and the Dugong Ci, for the key units in Xi';an. Yang and Zhang in 1936 and co-launched the "Xi'an Incident", the cessation of civil war and unite against Japan played a role. In 1949, General Yang Hu-cheng and his son Yang Zheng killed in Chongqing in 1950 re-interment here. Cemetery two storeys, the upper Tomb of General Yang, his wife Xie Baozhen about the son in the tomb of Yang Zheng. Song Qiyun lower for the Secretary of the couple, the adjutant, the tomb guards and others. The eldest son of Yang Yang and Zheng died in 1998 after the people buried here.