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Liu Shaoqi was a Chinese revolutionary, statesman, and theorist. He was Chairman of the People's Republic of China, China's head of state, from 27 April 1959 to 31 October 1968, during which he implemented policies of economic reconstruction in China. He fell out of favour in the later 1960s during the Cultural Revolution, due to his perceived 'right-wing' viewpoints and, it is theorised, due to the fact that Mao viewed Liu as a threat to his power. He disappeared from public life in 1968 and was labelled China's premier 'Capitalist-roader' and a traitor. He died under harsh treatment in late 1969, but he was posthumously rehabilitated by Deng Xiaoping's government in 1980 and given a state funeral.

    It is said that the aggrieved death of Liu Shaoqi was one of the biggest mistakes made by Chairman Mao during the Cultural Revolution. Liu Shaoqi's greatness and contribution to the People's Republic of China is cherished and honored by the following leaders and the Chinese people.

Wuhan Former Residence of Liu Shaoqi is located at No.4 Shangde Alley Youyi Street Hankou. On Oct. 1926 to Jul. 1927, he ever lived here and devoted himself to revolutionary activities. All China Federation of Trade Unions and some of Hubei Province Federation of Trade Unions also had ever lived here.