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ZengSheng House is located in Longgang District the Tsuboyama street East Rift Road Lime Pei village Hakkas' construction of buildings for the two layers of brick. December 1910, Zengsheng was born here.
1934, Zengsheng had participated in the Chinese Communist peripheral organization of the China Youth League, began to engage in revolutionary work. He joined the Communist Party of China in October 1936. Tsuboyama the formation of the CPC Huibao Working Committee in October 1938, as secretary. Hui Bao People's Anti-Japanese guerrilla corps was established in December, the chief captain. Guangdong People's Anti-Japanese guerrillas in December 1943 as commander of the Dongjiang Column. In the next higher Party organization under the leadership of and actively carried out behind enemy lines, guerrilla warfare, one after another to regain lost ground, striking terror into southern Guangdong. August 15, 1945, Zhu De designated as the South China Anti-Japanese Column representative, to accept the Japanese surrender in Guangdong. In June 1946, according to the central directives and the KMT and the CPC agreement, led the main force of the Dongjiang Column moved northwards Shandong. October 1949, led by Guangdong and Guangxi column south of the composition of Guangdong Battle of South Road, Army, and the successful accomplishment of combat missions.
Bus line 360, 364 get of at Dapeng station, interchange with the 818 road to nuclear power plants.