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Foundry Museum is located in Shenyang, Shenyang City, North West District 14, Public Health, based in Shenyang on foundry converted from the original site, is the largest foundry museum.

Shenyang is the Asia';s largest foundry casting enterprises in the move to Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone Industrial Park, after casting, the plant in the West region large cast of a workshop to be retained and converted into a concentrated expression of the Northeast Old Industrial District Context Foundry Museum. Including outdoor exhibition hall and museumsTwo major indoor exhibition hall.

Outdoor exhibits a steel ingot mold weighing 30 tons, 13 tons of the injection pipe, 15 tons of iron buns, etc.; there a turn of the "iron book" sculpture, by a ten page form of iron tablets, inscribed above the cast West';s history. Concrete floor outdoor exhibition area and various shapes and baked, with fingerprints, but also sub-pincers, wrenches, screwdrivers and other tools of the prints.

Indoor exhibition by the "West Industrial Development Review," "workIndustry Exhibition and the theatrical performance "and" Creative Industry in Shenyang City Centre West "constitutes. Here, you can see exhibits of many industries, such as: heavy 50';s steel factory workshop, cracked gas centrifugal compressor, Double Mill, 73 years of friendship Jie Shenyang factory radial drilling machines, production of gas masks, chemical plant in Shenyang, Shenyang plant the White Mountain bike bicycle, 92 tractor factory in Shenyang, 50-horsepower two-horse four-wheel tractors, 99 years Shenyang factory production of trolley buses and so on.

Foundry Museum near ShenyangHealth workers based on North side of the building from the old plant design. The roof is made of three rectangular mix together like building blocks. South side is composed of eight-tinted glass walls. The north side of the wall body, the "casting Museum" and the cast of five characters raised Museum Museum standard. Exhibition area, there are the old industrial area in the production and plant each picture, including the Shenyang Smelting Plant, a tractor factory in Shenyang, Shenyang Bridge Plant, High Voltage Switchgear factory.


& Nbsp; in Shenyangbeizhan take 267, or five love market take bus number 277, can be reached, in the "Public Guardian North Street" stop. Take the 277 Road and get off to the museum; take 267 off the road after the North need to walk north along the health workers, about 10 minutes to.


Free to visit are required to produce valid documents.

Opening hoursBetween 9:00 am-11 :30,14:00-16: 30; Sunday closed.