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Sanming Weather

77F ~ 82F
Heavy Rain To Moderate Rain
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Zhengshun Temple is a histrical museum in Sanming, which was built in 1233 AD. It has more than 700 years history, that is the earliest, and the best-preserved wood building in Sanming. There is a Zhengshun Temple in Longxi, Yongle, Nanping, Jiangle, Dehua and so on. But this temple is the larget temple with an area of 745 square meters. It is very famous. Zhengshun Temple faces to the south and there are planted winter jasmine, southern magnolia, hibiscus mutabilis, clove, willow, cypress, camphor treem, cherry bay, bamboo and so on. It is vrilliant purples and reds.

Ticket: CNY5