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Qingdao Weather

66F ~ 79F
SW at 20km/h
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Fish Hill Road and welfare of fish in the Nam Road intersection, south Huiquan Bay, north of Eight Mountain, elevation 60 meters, an area of 2.5 million square meters.
Name of the main building tide Peak Court, three octagonal, 18 meters high, with a sea bridge Lan House echoed back. Have you owned Tsui blue booths and kiosks, plaques are the masters of the Wu Zuoren title. Southeast along the mountain and built a floating desktop three tea for visitors to the small Open or ahead in the sky. Mountain view architectural plan for the potential, by King style, around the "sea" theme, highlighting the "fish" character, the pavilion House Gallery combine the natural beauty, architectural beauty and artistic beauty blend.


The city can take the 220 Road, 228 Road, 6 Road, 15 Road, 26 Road, 214 Road, 304 to the bus, from the first beach 10 minutes walk north up.

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15 yuan
