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Liu'an Weather

66F ~ 81F
Overcast To Cloudy
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Jinzhai County is located within the village birds Town Chapu, Google is about 1,700 meters deep valley about 200 meters. Densely covered with granite on the bottom like a stone mortar, stone bed, bath, footprints, cave shape, smooth lines, smooth, fantastic.

From the upper reaches of the east into a valley about 800 meters, roadside trees Millennium willow. The tree trunk is 20 meters high, can only be hand encircled 5. Shade, such as crown cover, crown diameter of about 30 meters. Vertical tree trunk with the undulating folds of Health, about 50 cm deep wrinkles, the whole trunk up like a bunch of Shoulong curtain.

0 along the valley upstream.6 km, "doline" between mountains on three sides from collapsing down, sinking a square face, a football field, the dip of nearly 200 meters. The three pits are flush with the facade of the cliffs, like knifed Fuxue general. Following a curtain hanging from cliff falls. Middle of the right of the cliff there is a natural cave, hole parallelogram, also bigger than a house, where this hole is called "Fairy Cave."

January 1, 2003, Swallow Creek Canyon open to visitors as an excellent place for visitors to explore the beautiful.