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Huangshan Weather

54F ~ 64F
Overcast To Cloudy
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    Located o­n the Woyun Peak, east of Shixin Peak, Wolong Song divided into two branches swirling up along the cliff. The trunk looks like a lying dragon, hence the name.

    Odd-shaped pines, grotesque rocks, seas of clouds, hot springs and snow are the five wonders of Mt Huang. Odd-shaped pines: "some of them are several meters in height while some of them are o­nly less than o­ne meter, and they grow under the rocks instead of the earth." There are over 100 famous pines, 32 of which are listed in the world heritage list. Grotesque rocks: there are over 120 namable sites of such rocks which are interesting and extremely wonderful. They form a contrast with odd-shaped pines and look very magnificent. "The view of Mt Huang is top of the world, and its top view is the grotesque rocks." Seas of clouds are the magician of Huangshan. They add livingness to Huangshan. "It is believed that the clouds are the sea, not believe that the sea is the clouds." There are carbonates in the hot spring water which can be bathed and drank. The temperature of the water stays at 42 degree all year round. "The Five Sacred Mountain cannot compared to Mt Huang as they do not have hot springs." It is agreed by the tourists that snow is a wonder in Mt Huang. In winter, Huangshan is like a crystal palace.