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     Small Island Village is located in the heart of Guangzhou';s Haizhu District mu orchard, where the splendor and still retain the final bridges people, into the small Island village, just like walked into a folk museum.
     Houses built along the river, residents pillow River neighbors, century-old banyan shade everywhere blocks out the sun, five or six hundred years old oyster shell house bears witness to the experience of life Lingnan, terraced rice paddies of a cross between the casual across hundreds of years old well have precipitation.
     Park Tower next to the shrine have been deserted, all the square shrine paved with bluestone bar, a footGranite, the sound of footsteps down the transmission from the ground, echo a long boring, pious people from the heart spontaneously give birth to; shrine tall pillar, giving cause intangible psychological suggestion, can not in a mood to face pilgrimage things inside; ancestral stone crevices full of weeds, there is no display, is simple and elegant hall carved plaque of nature, filled the time between the walls as if the story; ancestral Gao Qiao';s roof, can still be seen pretty majestic elegance of the year . All this lead us to imagine life on the ancestors, they came together in a major shrine festival, or worship ancestors, gods, or discuss village affairs.
The most unusual building is the village oyster shell house, building materials, mainly oyster shells, from the dike in the use of local materials, and to combinations of any two side by side, and then mix with brick Wong, Lingnan was "gloomy" in material witness. Oyster shell house at least five or six hundred years of history, prove that a small Island village used to be a place where the vast expanse of water. Oyster shell house where the original is among more than one hundred. After long years of wind and rain erosion, oyster shells have been exposed, bumps and hollows, but the whole house shook people feel special, from the villagers realized that the ancient wisdom. At that time they lived in such houses, live cool, sunrise and sunsetThe rate of farming or fishermen.
Island Village, surrounded by a small river, Lane Lane connected, lush old trees, a small wooden boat moored in the river, the river long years of beating the old pier. This means that only the characteristics of bridges and splendor, the elegant brick and gray tile in the picture, but jump numerous bright modern new building.


     Small Island is located in Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, south-east side, south of the Pearl River South River, across the river and Panyu, east of St. Paul River, on the official Island and Luntou Zhi, northwest China village, and soil phase. Small Island is a beadAlluvial river formed thousands of years, an area of 6013.8 acres, within the creek up to 10 km. Villagers living generations kinds of fruit, fruit trees into a film, Yingzhou Ecological Park and nearby orchard of about 2 acres, known as Guangzhou, "South lungs," said.
     Small Island Village was built in Yuan and Ming, is by far the most found in urban areas of Guangzhou Lingnan Water Village and the ancient village, "Little Island", Guangzhou has been listed as the first batch of 14 protected areas, historical and cultural one. Guangdong Province and was named .
     Today, the small Island village, has not completely overwhelmed by a flood of modern, traditional things still get passed down.Walking in the villages, meandering rivers cross, bridges and various shapes on top of pillow streams, stately ancestral neat and orderly, simple and elegant ancient temples, traditional houses scattered mixed, set off under the shady trees, like a painting with streams, trees, gray wall, plain tile and other characteristics of ink with splendor. Our ancestors created for small continents fit for human habitation, life, crafts and attractive home, in the past Yingzhou Eight "Xixi fishing", "return Ferries sail" and "John Bridge Night Moon," the scenery and the village are The traditional architecture has a direct relationship.