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Dalian Weather

61F ~ 79F
N at 30km/h
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     Dalian is one of the most heavily developed industrial areas of China. Dalian boasts of a port which is turning out to be very crucial for growth of International trade. The city boasts of a number of popular sightseeing options. Russian Street in Dalian is one such prominent sightseeing destination.

     Russian Street is one of the few prominent places where it is possible to get a glimpse of the colonial past of Dalian City. The Street stretches across Shengli Bridge to the north-east of the train station. Tourists have the option of exploring this 430-meter-long street on foot or on a jingling carriage. There are a number of duty-free shops, supermarkets, antique stores and painting shops that sell East European goods which are located on Russian Street.

     Most Russian and Japan buildings in Dalian were completely pulled down due to the numerous redevelopment programs the city has seen over the years. However, some of the old architecture is still preserved along Russian Street. Most of the buildings are on Russian Street are actually modern facsimiles of old Russian buildings rather than the genuine article.

     The old buildings along the Russian Street that do remain are worth examining and are more genuine examples. These buildings lie along the roads which are to the east of the main street. You will come across numerous shops that sell various trinkets and souvenirs. These items however are available for a much lesser price in other parts of the city.

     A Street similar to that of Russian Street known as Japanese Street exists to the south of the city centre near the Children's park but is totally fake. There are empty shells of buildings lining the road. If you are really interested in exploring real Japanese houses you must explore the area around Gaoerji Lu (Gorky Road) which lies to the south of People's Square and the football stadium.