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   The old Japanese-Russian Prison Site is located in Jiguanshan (Cockscomb Mountain) of Yuanbao Fang in a relatively remove area of Lvshun, Dalian city. Today it is a key tourist attraction in Dalian. Partly built in 1902, when the Russian had been occupying the northeast China city, later the construction work came to a halt when the Tsar Russian had lost their war with Japan. At that time, only an office house and 85 prison cells were completed. The old prison site had also been a Russian cavalry garrison and field hospital.

   After the Japanese-Russian War, the Japanese occupied Dalian and tremendously expanded the original Russian prison architecture. There were 253 prison cells, four secret cells, some rooms for invalid prisoners and 15 factories. The Japanese-Russian Prison is a large Fascist jail in northeast China in early twentieth century, it was directly governed by the Japanese Ambassador to the puppet state of Manchu.

   In the prison, many Chinese people and revolutionaries were brutally tortured and killed by the Japanese. There were about 700 people executed in the prison between 1942 and 1945. Before the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese army had done cruel massacres and destroyed the jail files, which contained the documents recorded the crimes they did. Since 1970s, Chinese people have been asking local authority to research and collect the old pictures, stuff and documents concerning the sinister jail in Dalian, and some exhibitions have been held. Today, the Japanese-Russian Prison Site Museum collects about 200 items dated between the years of 1894 and 1945, including images, graphs, stone tablets and articles that testify the crimes the Russian and Japanese armies had done when they were occupying Lvshun area in Dalian.