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63F ~ 81F
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Kaiyuan Temple in seven Ding Weiyuan Longtan town, before the Early Qianlong Dynasty, has been 250 years of history. Is a provincial key cultural relic protection units and provincial forest park.

Ding Longtan Temple seven beautiful natural environment surrounding its offshoot of Changbai Mountain is a continuation of Hada Ling, seven mountain peaks surround like a ring, which is located in Longtan Temple to, and Temple has two Hong Tam, things side by side, year round do not dry, a lotus pool, a pool of water chestnut. Currently, the Longtan temple of King Hall, Main Hall, Guanyinge, Jia Lan Temple and other buildings have been restored building is completed, magnificent, incense is Sheng, has become the Northeast withName of the Buddhist retreat. Every ritual, temple, there are a large number of tourists, pilgrims come to visit, worship.