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Shenyang Weather

63F ~ 79F
Thundershowers To Cloudy
SW at 20km/h
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Stone sub-mountain site is located 35 kilometers northeast city of Shenyang Hui Qipanshan Mountain Reservoir within the north shore, north of Tieling, Fushun across the Southeast and for the national key cultural relics protection units.

Stone sub-fortress is built by Goguryeo occupied an important Liaodong mountain time, the use of artificial mountain built from the natural situation for a closed-type Shilei mountain. Mountain plane was irregular triangle, the perimeter 1384.1 m, the wall around the city over the week with 10 horse-faced, four gates. Mountain west to east, Kwanza North narrow, square is relatively high. Mountain wall section was ladder, inside and outside the walls for the shapeRegular stone masonry wedge, wall plug in the prism of stone. Rammed earth walls have a slope in a week extension to ease the city, there is the individual at the stone slope protection.