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Square Tower has a history over 900 years. in 949 a.d, a temple named the Xingsheng was constructed here. Later, the square tower was built in this temple in Song Dynasty (1068 a.d.-1094a.d.)this square tower was built of wood and brick. it is 48.5 meters high with 9 storeys of square. following the architecture style Tang Dynasty, its most structures are well kept as their original form.

Scenic Spots

Screen Wall
It is an old wall (built in the Ming Dynasty) standing close to the square tower. behind this wall, there was once a town god temple of Sungkiang which was destroyed in the anti-japanese war. now screen wall has became one scenic spot of square tower. There is a huge monster named "greed" on its surface. besides it, there are the horns of a deer, the tail of a lion, the hoofs of an Ox, and the scales of a dragon, all of which are valuable things. a legend says that this monster was attempting to swallow the sun on the sea and got drowned. it is a lesson for greediness.

Location: Square Tower South Road no.1, Sungkiang District
Transportation: line Song-hu, line Hu-song and tourist line
Open Time: 8:00-17:00
Ticket: RMB12
Comment: It is one of the best preserved ancient towers in south of the Yangtze River.