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66F ~ 75F
Light Rain To Moderate Rain
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The Sanming Shibi Village is a transit point of the Hakka migration in the history of China, known as the "cradle of the Hakka. Song Dynasty neo Yin "Yang, Luo Yan, Zhu Xi, and the Qing Dynasty painting one of the" Eight Eccentrics "Huang Shen and Qing Dynasty Calligraphy Four" one of the Yi Bingshou and other historical figures were born here. Taining Book of the national key protection units on behalf of many, Ming and Qing era buildings, stone group and other cultural relics. Greatly enriched the cultural connotation of the three tourism. Sanming Hakka ancestral land Shek Pik the best tourist season: go Sanming Hakka ancestral land Shek Pik the best tourist season in the fall of each year. The Sanming Hakka ancestral land Shek Pik traffic: the stone walls at the junction of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces. Convenient transportation Fuzhou, Xiamen --- train --- to Sanming interchange CMB (half-hour one) to Ninghua car in just 20 minutes into the stone walls. Ganzhou, Ruijin, Jiangxi cities have car through stone walls. Sanming Hakka ancestral land the Shibi stay: go to Shek Pik play can stay in the local residents of the home, in order to experience the passion and simplicity of the Hakka. If you need the hotel, that can go to the Ninghua Chengguan the Hakka hotel (Ninghua of the best). the Sanming Hakka ancestral land Shek Pik cuisine: sweet and delicious Hakka Lei Cha "and known for the" Dumplings "is here the main characteristics of local snacks. Extraordinary local residents home ground tea or dim sum, the taste, and was about to drool a. Go and taste it!