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Ju long Buddhist temple located in mingxi County Maple River Township is located 1.5 km on top of Shoushan, is 760 meters above sea level, was built in the Tang dynasty Kai yuan nine years (721), commonly known as Chui Ping. Past Nebula after repairs. Ming Shun seven years (1463) reconstruction, the Qing dynasty was renamed "ju long Buddhist temple".

The magnificent temple scenery, temples and magnificent, bamboo and spring onion cage and a pleasant climate, are the only places of Hongo, ranking the County's highest Temple, is min-province "four famous Temple" one was classified as Fujian province, the second view, Mukahira known as the Buddhist holy sites. In Ming and Qing dynasties as well as "200 monks, classics on the first floor" of the highly praised. Senior monks gathered in this place set up altars in teaching, how many people: sparassidae hero here because of cynicism in Buddhism. Believers into the at home and abroad. This United States Vice President of Buddhist Association of master guangshun, former Secretary of the Central Buddhist Association, this United States New York "four seas Saqi books" benefit consultants, Shantou, Guangdong card master clear fruit presided over the temple Park, as well as Master Cheng Hui youth have been a monk. The Temple in the old Guanyin Temple, King Hall, main hall, Hall, under Abbot building, the Buddhist scriptures building, view of mountain building, the monks ' rooms, catering, kitchen sizes more than 120 rooms to form a complex of more than 1600 square, heyday with 180 people of monks, who was Yi for the four provinces on Fujian's largest brakes. Temple palatial, the Interior of a large and elegant building, painting and calligraphy Lin lang is not only the line place for Buddhist disciples, is the ancient land of the famous poet a must.

1933 Mao Zedong, Zhu, Zhou Enlai 's, Peng led Red Army Jianning road after Maple River still attracted to this when visiting. In the cultural revolution had been looted. After the third plenary session of the party with the implementation of religious policy, monk Lao Seng circle under the strong support of the penetration of the Mage, dedicated under the auspices of the local people, restore the original appearance, mingxi, Buddhist activity centre in the Northwest, and with the approval of sanming city CPC Committee and Director of mingxi, first opening to the monasteries and cultural relic protection units.   Is Buddhist shrines, also good place avoidance Department, an enticing tourist attractions. Ju long Buddhist temple of the best travel season: summer is the best of the tourist season.   That is, the Holy Land of Buddhism, is also a good place avoidance Department, become an attractive tourist spots. Ju long Buddhist temple transport: ju long Buddhist temple located in sanming city, mingxi County fengxi Shoushan on top, is 760 meters above sea level, built in 721 BC, formerly known as watt in 1463, Tsui Ping and reconstruction, to the Qing dynasty renamed the Ju long Buddhist temple.

Sanming to the counties (cities) there is a bus up to (sanming long-distance bus terminal Tel: 0598-8223347), to the mingxi county seat after the station, outsourcing small vans direct at the station, the fare is about $ 20-30 per vehicle. See you kanjia level.

Ju long Buddhist Temple Bar: because the suburb is located in the County about 2 kilometers, so accommodation can go back to find the right hotel in the County. Or you can get back to sanming area of accommodation, are very convenient.