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The Jiming Temple is a renowned Buddhist temple in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. It is one of the most antique temples in Nanjing.[1] The temple is located near the Xuanwu Lake in central Nanjing. Jiming Temple is located in the northeastern part of Nanjing City. It was built first in the Southern Tang Dynasty and then in the Song Dynasty. The existing Temple was built in the Ming Dynasty. With Xuanwu Lake at the back, Jiming Temple faces the Purple Mountain to the east. Inside the temple are Guanyin Building, Huomeng Building, Jingyang Building, Rouge Well, etc. Legend has it that when the emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty and his concubine hid themselves in the well in order to escape the enemy pursuit, the stains of rouge were left on the well: hence the name of Rough Well. Behind the temple there remains a section of palace wall called Taicheng.

There is a well, which related to an old legend: it is said that, the last emperor of Chen Dynasty Chen Hou Zhu lived in an extravagant life and paid little attention to the national affairs. Then the troop of Sui broke through and occupied the capital of Chen. Chen Hou Zhu and his two concubines were caught from a well, which was named by posterity as Humiliating Well or YanzhiWell. Unfortunately, the temple was ruined in successive dynasties later, and even to the edge of changing its name. After frequent reconstructions and perfections, the Jiming Temple became a famous scenic spot of the millennium. The Jiming Temple is the syntheses of hill, water, forest and temple. Its grand and majestic temples will make you excited; its beautiful and peaceful atmosphere will lead you to  a dreamlike fairyland.