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64F ~ 82F
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Li XiangJun's Former Residence Exhibition was built in 1989. It was included in the local protective unit of culture relics by the Commission for Protecting Culture Relics of Nanjing Manicipality.The Exhibition Hall introduces Li XiangJun's life and her historical background,the publication and repercussions of "the Peach-Blossom Fan", and the Eight Beauties of Qinhuai. The information is abundant, the pictures and their accompaning essays are both excellent.Miss Li XiangJun's bedroom, musical room,and reading room are upstairs.The frant courtyard is the hall of Diet Culture.The abstraction "The Introduction to The Peach-Blossom Fan" in the scal character is on the wall. The usherettes carry refined dishes and cakes with Qinhuai flovour, and introduce the classic allusions and historical stories of them, and the feasts are accompanied by chinese drama performance, which form a unigue style of XiangJun's little banquet.