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Nanchang Weather

72F ~ 82F
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Medicine Lake is located in the main peak of washing Meiling Luo Hanling, and covers an area of ten acres. According to legend, the great physician Li Ming, who led his disciples to wash herbs medicine here, so here is called wash medicine lake, there is a local legend, the "Eight Immortals" of the torrent washed the feet here, so the locals called her is the "feet dock."

Medicine Lake area cleaning, evergreen and pleasant weather. Summer, when the "stove" Nanchang temperature reached 40 degrees, where the temperature is only 30-32 degrees Celsius. Meiling has become the thirteenth largest summer resort, washing medicine treasure in the lake is the resort, guest house where the existing 7, 1000Number of beds.

Peak near scenic Lake - Luo Hanfeng, 841.4 m above sea level, towards the view from here east to the sea sunrise, beautiful scenic view scenery, are a rare treat.


219 Road to get off the bus Wanli interchange 112 to the peace of the car, can be.