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Lushan Weather

68F ~ 84F
Sunny To Cloudy
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Lushan Mountain is located in the southeast Wulaofeng, because the mountain is extremely Pass the broken, divided into five parallel mountain, looking dignified man if sat on the floor of the five, so people put the original out of the five mountain peaks referred to as the "five old peak. " It is the root with Pohu, Feng Jian touch days, elevation 1436 meters.

Wufeng to observe from all angles, mountain pose different, some like the fisherman fishing, and some sit cross-legged like a monk. The third most dangerous peak, peak a "low cloud at nearly", "overlooking Daqian" and other stone. The fourth highest peak, the peak bending, such as pine Qiu. Under the Lion Peak, peak gold seal, stone vessels peak, peak, etc. Lingyun Feng and flagpole small peak downGuanyin cliff, the lion cliffs, valleys behind Ching Lin Temple.

User Reminder: Wulaofeng tour, there are bearers can carry you on a peak, in fact, very easy to walk up the hill. Wufeng, the two peaks most surprising, the most dangerous three peaks, four peaks best, Wufeng open. Visitors within our capabilities, to the two signs at the peak, other peaks can only look up, some visitors think, only to see a pile of rocks, just so. In fact, the scenery, those who are immersive found out, climbs rocks enthusiasts can climb up to the summit, the mountain view of the risk, stoning of the Church, this is the real feel of the famous Lushan is true.

WulaofengView Day: If the very top of Dengfeng overnight, then spray painted visible glow, sunset melting gold, colorful.

Many celebrities came to Wulaofeng ancient poets, all the scenery here is magnificent obsession, Li Bai poem "Lushan South East Wulaofeng, cut out the golden lotus blue sky."


Transport: Lushan second tour attractions, sightseeing by car east (fare 65 yuan), or a taxi or chartered play; best to band together and hire a car bargain.

Wulaofeng steep and straight, then the peakFearless, Qi Luan beauty, known far and wide the world. Thousand yards southeast of its cliffs, can not climb steep, while the northwestern slopes of moderate terrain, visitors to mountain climbing trails to follow.