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Lijiang Weather

61F ~ 77F
Light Rain
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Baisha Village, Lijiang was once the political, economic and cultural center. The 55 existing murals on the preservation of white sand here, Baisha fresco painting by Hans absorbed fine brushwork Xilian, Harmony in Tibetan Buddhist painting beautiful flowing style, and lack the rugged character of Naxi, so become a mural Art treasures.

More creative Baisha murals completed in the Ming and Qing dynasties, mostly for religious genre, were stored in Maharatnakuta house, glass house, Dading Court, big sleep Palace. Glass house Maharatnakuta Palace and a national key cultural relics.

The history of Pak Sha Village is the birthplace of the family chieftains, but alsoBazi into the Lijiang Naxi settlement first. Personnel from the early Ming Dynasty Baisha Naxi village moved to the town of Dayan.


Lijiang county from the bus by 6 to get off at White Sands intersection.


30 yuan