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Huangshan Weather

57F ~ 64F
Overcast To Light Rain
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    Qingluan peaks is located in northeast of Cinnabar peaks , southeast of Tiandu Peak, one of 36 major peaks, elevation 1589 meters, the whole Qingluan mountain is squatting legislation, hence the name. In the tLima pavilion , look it resembles a horse standing vacant, so also known as "  Lima peak "

    Lima Peak, there is a magical legend: ancient times,  there is a god of horses in  the mountains , but notthing to eat ,every year in late spring, Pacific County will be the time of wheat harvest, it fly to there , would be to eat all the crops . Farmers have no alternative but to ask God's help . Upon learning of the Goddess of Mercy, immediately led the Boys and Girls, Huangshan and Taiping in a cave at the junction of a stone bridge from the shelves. And the tomb to the local farmers know this bridge is the lock of God, God has horses locked, it can no longer cross the mountain, flying at peace. Sure enough, the second year of wheat cooked, Shenma their way off, but the next two hoof was nailed to the rock, and can not be uprooted. It is no way but to vacate standing, head pointing towards the direction of the northwest Pacific screamed loudly, and according to potential turned into a mountain, it is Lima peak.

    View from the opposite hill,  the summit there is a stone,  many herbs source under the peak, according to legend Emperor alchemy in Huangshan had come here to herbs.