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Huangshan Weather

50F ~ 61F
Cloudy To Overcast
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    Lian Hua Peak (Lotus Peak) has an elevation of over 1873 meters. Its shape resembles a lotus blossom, giving the peak its name. The "blossom" is over ten feet in width. There is a small pool located in the middle of the "blossom" named Moon Pool. From the apex, visitors can see thousands peaks and numerous ravines in the misty clouds. On a clear day, Tianmu Mountain can be seen in the east, Lushan Mountain in the west, Jiuhua Mountain and the Yangtze River in the north. The sea of clouds viewed from Lotus Peak is most spectacular after a rain.

    Climbing from Lotus Peak, visitors can see the many ancient pines that dot the landscape. Scenic spots such as Flying Dragon pine, Head Downwards Pine, and Huangshan Mountain's azaleas can be seen along the way.

    One interesting thing seen by visitors climbing to Lotus Peak are iron chains covered with brass locks. The locks were placed there by young lovers, couples, or families from both home and abroad. When visitors come here, they have their names, or some words engraved on the locks. They then lock the locks onto the chains and throw the keys down the mountain. This symbolizes that their love or luck will be forever locked to Huangshan Mountain.