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Zhoushan Weather

68F ~ 81F
SE at 30km/h
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Xingzhuang Si triangle, located in Wenchang City, the northern end of the shop before the town, Xingzhuang Si triangle, and the mainland across the sea, by the first Mulan, Mulan Bay and the hinterland composed of 30 square kilometers wide, with seven ridge connected with the sea straight-line distance of Haikou City 49 km, 90 km away from land.

The Long Beach water depth level, rocky shore submarine base, can be stopped ton ships, 3 nautical miles from the international routes, conditions are ripe, can be turned into deep-water port. Magnolia Bay hinterland open flat, maintaining a good ecological environment. Picturesque natural scenery, like the natural green grass golf course.

From the Magnolia Bay 3 Mulan is the first kilometers, from 7 independent of the crescent-shaped beach, rocks sharp triangular area of 6 square kilometers land and about the composition. Magnolia Bay, Hainan angle is 97.2 meters high above sea level the lighthouse beacon, called the Asian first. Lighthouse height of 74.2 m, coastal vessels within 24 nautical miles can be seen. Heights west side of the boulder beaches, silver sand lying scattered bizarre rock, smooth rounded shapes. High in the distance, the great tide, magnificent. Heights to the east of the beach stretch, loose white sand, clear water is a natural bathing beach.

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Haikou to Wenchang the provincial Express, then take Wen to the shop front of the bus.