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    Sun Asia Ocean World, the longest underwater tunnel in Asia is a transparent oceanarium situated in the beautiful city of Dalian. Stretching over 118 meters in length, Sun Asia Ocean World will be a mind blowing experience amidst the marine creatures. Once you step on the automatic footpath you can have the scintillating sight of over 7000 rare aquatic animals of over 200 species playing around you. The mysterious and the very interesting aquatic world will gradually unveil in front of your eyes.

    Opened on January 18th 1994, Sun Asia Ocean World is a major draw for the tourists. It is the only man made tourism corporation enlisted with the stock market of China. Being the first scenic ocean themed park in the world, it is also the member of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA).

    Being inside the tunnel, one would feel like an aquatic animal himself while observing different types of fish, sea turtles and sharks zooming past them. You can also go for a guided underwater tour of the aquatic environment by shelling out some extra bucks.

Shark Cave

    Through the mysterious cave, look at the cave paintings of shark which are handed down by the people who worships shark totem in the prehistorical times. Whether or not you want to explore it what actually happened? Mankind has already walked into the ocean several thousand years ago and explored the profound mystery of sea animals and sea creatures, such as sharks and so on. Please follow us and a voyage, which sometimes make you feel real, sometimes make you feel imaginary, begins.

Traveler Submarine

    "Traveler" Submarine, submerging into the depth of 3000 meters easily and safely, is designed and built by the 109 scientists organized by the UN from the whole world in six years in 1978. Taking the "Traveler" Submarine, you can begin the real subsea exploration in Sun Asia and experience the real adventure during the entertainment.

Subsea UFO

    A blue UFO from the outer space falls into the seafloor fantastically. It is full of mystery in the sea. From this time on, the young ET lives in the seafloor forever and lives a leisure life. What a natural, harmonious and unfathomable whole scenery it is!

    So if you are planning to tour China, do keep Sun Asia Ocean World, Dalian in your itinerary. It would be an experience worth savoring.