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In the Warring States period (475-221 BC), Ba Manzi, a native of Zhongxian, became a general in the army of the Kingdom of Ba. Later because of civil war in the Ba Kingdom, in order to put down the rebellion he was sent to the Kingdom of Chu to beg military assistance. Chu demanded three Ba cities as forfeit. Once Chu's troops had helped restore stability to Ba, the King of Chu demanded the payoff. Ba Manzi, however, said: 'Though I promised Chu the cities you will take my head instead in thanks to the King of Chu, for the cities of Ba cannot be given away'. The King of Chu was moved and sighed: 'Cities would count as nothing had I loyal ministers like Ba Manzi'. He then ordered that Ba Manzi's head be buried with full honors.

Ba Manzi's tomb is also called "General's Tomb". It is located in beside the Tsat Sing Kong lotus pond in the Yuzhong District. The graveyard is vaulted caves in the rocks, an area of about 20 square meters. The stone's article build by laying bricks or stones becomes hexagonal, arris high is about 1 meter. Roof is the circular to trine grey seal build by laying bricks or stones.